onsdag 19. oktober 2011


Jærbladet 7th October 2011:

New upcoming show!
We're playing a show with the awsome girls in Piffany and Frk.Fryd!

fredag 7. oktober 2011

Band reharsal!

Sorry I'm late! I have had so little time to write. We started practicing with the interview of" Jærbladet", which was printed Friday, 07/10/2011 ..Page 24!! Victoria could unfortunately not join, but she was the host case mentioned in the interview. The rest of the exercises we used to make the journey on our new song"funky player". Below are some pictures from the day's rehearsal.

mandag 26. september 2011

Oslo Rock City Jamboree 2011

Hey fans! (ho ho)

We are playing a concert at Rockefeller in Oslo, Oct 28th. Infact we are opening the festival, called "Oslo Rock City Jamboree 2011".
Order your ticket NOW;-)



fredag 16. september 2011


The band members:

Guitar: Malin Ueland, 21 years old from Vigrestad, Norway.

Guitar: Hilde Tønnessen, 18 years old from Vigrestad, Norway.

Drums: Ida Ueland, 21 years old from Vigrestad, Norway.

Vocals: Carina Tønnessen, 22 years old, from Vigrestad, Norway.

Bass: Victoria Hamlin, 23 years old, from Stavanger, Norway.

The band: (almost...)

Killing Butterflies - Jellyfishes


Welcome to the Killing Butterflies blog.
We are a norwegian band who plays punk/rock inspired music.
On our blog we are gonna post music, lyrics, pictures and other stuff related to Killing butterflies.

Please stay tuned for more updates;-)